Monday 12 July 2010

Wooo back from my kelong trip courtesy of Commonwealth Secondary School :)

I thought it'd suck real bad, since I'm the oldest and all (Yesh, out of all those kiddos, the second oldest is only sec 3 o.o), but it's cool in the end. Enjoying the view in the tugboats, mum getting her carrot head chopped by the fishing rod seller, learning how to fish for the first time, using an ikan kuning as bait to get crabs to grab it, catching my 1st (and only fish) with mah GOOD ROD, and playing "cheat" with the kiddies. But come on, using an Ace to start a round? Too easy and irritating sia... and few dare to catch the cheats LOL! And got 1 bugger always like to start with 2 Aces, 1 fake one, do until so many times I gave up catching him ~.~. I put all fake Aces to start the round instead XD

And a family of quintuplets (5 kids) came along too sia. 2 are twins, and like Khaycheng and Leng, one more quiet the other more active, another sister, and 2 boys. All sec 1 sio o.o. I see I thought sec 2... except the boys, they look P6- sec 1 instead haha!

And the prawns tastes real freshy good. Sweet nice.

Beautiful night too. With stars all over the place dotting the night skies... sitting down and enjoying the night breeze... ah nice to sleep.

Until my alarm rang and went to watch the last few minutes of the 1st half of the match between Uruguay and Germany. Then I went back to sleep.

And poly is making me really slack sia. There may be a sense of urgency somewhere, but it feels like it is moving slowly towards me instead. And looking at numbers still gives me the dumb reaction...
And making me dumber by the day. >.>
Projects suck too :( It'd be a miracle if i pass my IS module, and business finance and Applied Statistics module.

Gave up trying to break the olde -gamers have crappy body-sterotype. Until I improve my mussels, muay thai's gonna kill me with their trainings man so I guess it's time to part ways. Thus leaving me with akido to mess with. Least I like it. Now to try to go natural during trainings, and let body and mind be 1 or it'd keep forgetting how to execute moves.

Grand Thefo Auto 4: The Lost And Damned is fun. People say it is a evil game series with the killing of people and whatsnot, but really, whatever you want to do, it is up to you, isn't it? 'Sides, I always more of the radio stations and the missions in the game anyway, random killing, not so much. Though once upon a time in Grand Theft Auto 3, someone was really poor and decided to do rampages whenever he sees a bunch of people...

Kelong's fun. Maybe someday I should go along with friends instead, who knows how things would go...

lousydude walked on the sunny side.
7/12/2010 01:43:00 am.

Thursday 1 July 2010
Do you miss me? ):

Who art thou

But yes all you oldfags definitely :D

So I herd you has queshuns. Well then, load yer rifles and fire away mah lads!

lousydude walked on the sunny side.
7/01/2010 06:46:00 pm.